SOS Childrens Village - Care Giver - Kirumampakkam

 SOS Children's Village - Care Givers  Kirumampakkam - Puducherry

ODIC staffs conducted awareness program in SOS Children's Village, Kirumampakkam, Puducherry. Its an an Independent, Non-governmental and Non-profit organization working for the holistic development of parentless children, women and children belonging to vulnerable families.

Around 10 Care Givers attended the Awareness Program. ODIC staffs conducted the awareness program related to "Ill Effects of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse among Childrens" in between gap conduct Balloon Activity and Chart Activity for Caregivers. 

Finally, Caregivers knowing about the Drug abuse among children and how to protect their children from the society through Balloon Activity and Chart Activities.

Finally, Thanks to SOS teams for giving permission to conduct the awareness program in Children's Village.

Drug Awareness Program:-

Balloon Activity:-

Chart Activity:-

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